Service 01
We provide easy-to-understand subtitle translation including movies, dramas, documentaries, training films, PR presentations and numerous other genres. To fulfill your every desire, our abilities likewise extend throughout the process of transcription, spotting, and burning in subtitles onto visuals. As an option, we are fully outfitted to undertake video editing projects.

Service 02
Wise-Infinity also provide “Voice-over” translation. This refers to dubbing translated audio content over the original soundtrack (which is retained at a reduced volume). We will also arrange for casting, studio bookings, recording and all other aspects involved in production of completed packages, thoroughly in keeping with client demands.

Service 03
Document translation
Seasoned experts in an extensive range of document translation – presentation materials, proposals, guidebooks, instruction manuals, websites, blogs, restaurant menus, pamphlets, POP and more. Our services similarly incorporate translation of slogans, taglines and other catchphrases for products and related applications.

Service 04
Television Station
Related Translation
Wise-Infinity also offers wide-ranging translation geared to the needs of TV stations. Besides translation of overseas interview segments and news articles, we are equally adept in handling research across broad-ranging fields, foreign language telephone interviews, negotiations with non-Japanese speakers by telephone or e-mail and other requests.

Service 05
Onsite Translation
& Interpreting
Our extensive service menu additionally covers translation and interpreting in onsite situations. For example, translation while simultaneously confirming customer needs, research and rights negotiations demanding foreign language capabilities, interpreter escorts for interview visits and numerous other simultaneous interpreting needs.

Service 06
Video editing
At Wise-Infinity, we also warmly welcome orders for creation of visuals coordinated to the production of subtitles, dubs and other services. Beyond translation, therefore, please readily consult with us on any challenges deemed pertinent to your visual content needs.

Service 07
We have a team of narrators and voice actors who have worked on numerous programs. We provide casting services tailored to your budget and needs.